Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Torah and the Mystery Itself (in Torah, Nephilim, Insights)

Torah is believed many ways but always with an emphasis on the letter, on the literal so that "the rules and laws of the Torah are its body. The histories and stories in the Torah are the garments that clothe its mysteries. The soul of the Torah, though, consists of the mysteries themselves." You would like to know these mysteries but the revelation is in words and even when  they are directly apprehended must still be expressed. How to directly apprehend mystery, truth is a study itself. We however declare that any intervention between the mystery and the soul by drugs, shaman or otherwise, algorithms, is deception itself. The mystery must be seen naked. How to get there is of course the quest of the world's seekers, to boost the ego let it be said, but the process is other than this; it has much to do with boring a hole in the lob of the ear and pinning it to the door. This means it has everything to do with hearing, hearing the sound thereof, as one born of the spirit, or as one says in another place, he wakens me morning by morning, he wakens my ear to listen as one being taught. That is why the Psalm says, further, I have more insight than all my teachers. You can no more transfer this by words then you can know life without living. You can read about putting on the ephod, the urim and thummin, yes and no, but to know the voice is itself itself. No more than a bride can know the mind her husband by giving herself to another man before she marries can anyone know the  mystery in itself by taking algorithm. Do you want to name them? Go ahead, the drugs are known but are not a way to know. They will have you comparing your husband to an idol when you want to wholly enveloped, I mean immersed. They will have you criticizing him for his acts, for he does not act like an idol, when in fact he is the One, the only one to hear.

Discussion of the Old Testament text here is taken as a kind of analogy of the issues raised in transhumanism about raising the dead.

But the clothing of Torah may also be implicit, as it is in the non account  of Nimrod, the founder of Babylon, Genesis 10, throwing Abraham into the fiery furnace. All the text says is
"When Terah had lived seventy years, he begot Abraham, Nahor and Haran... Haran died in the presence of Terah his father, in his native land, in Ur Kasdim" (Genesis 11:26-29). The Midrash however, an oral Torah, not written down, at least until late, says that Abraham broke the idols of his father's house and that Nimrod, who was threatened by Abraham's ideas of a supreme God,  threw him in the furnace.

Ask the Rabbi explains:
Abraham's brother Haran was also there and he witnessed Abram being thrown into the furnace. Knowing that Nimrod could turn on him too and ask him whose side he was on, either Nimrod's or Abraham's, Haran said to himself that if a miracle was wrought for Abraham, he would say that he was on Abraham's side. However, if Abram died, Haran would say that he supported Nimrod. Immediately after making this decision, Abraham walked out of the fiery furnace untouched! Nimrod turned to Haran and yelled, "Whose side are you on?" Haran responded "Abram's!"

 Nimrod angrily picked up Haran and cast him too in the fiery pit.  God did not create the miracle for Haran as He had done for Abraham, because Haran was only trying to save his skin. Abraham, on the other hand, was willing to die to prove his point that he believed in God. Therefore, God wrought a miracle for Abraham, but not for Haran. And so Haran died in the "presence of his father."

Why does scripture note that this instance took place in "Ur Kasdim?" Although these words have very little meaning in English, in Hebrew, the world "Ur" actually means "fire." Hence, the name of the city properly understood was "fire of Kasdim" which refers to the fiery pit that Abraham was thrown into, but saved from (Rashi - Genesis 11:28).

It is written, "When Terah had lived seventy years, he begot Abraham, Nahor and Haran... Haran died in the presence of Terah his father, in his native land, in Ur Kasdim" (Genesis 11:26-29) Ask the Rabbi. Abraham was still a young child when he realized that idol worship was nothing but foolishness. To make his point, one day, when Abraham was asked to watch the store, he took a hammer and smashed all the idols - except for the largest. His father came home aghast. "What happened?!" he shouted. "It was amazing, Dad," replied Abraham. "The idols all got into a fight and the biggest idol won!" Nimrod, as the most powerful world leader of the time, was the one most threatened by Abraham's ideas of a supreme God. So Nimrod threw Abraham into a fiery furnace, saying "Let's see your God save you now." Abraham emerged unscathed.

God commanded Moses that the written Torah should not be recited from memory, and that the Oral Torah should not be written down." (2) Yalket Me'am Lo'ez, The Torah Anthology I!
The difference in narrative between the Hebrews and the Greeks embodies a "background narrative" in the Hebrew that leaves whole worlds unexplained but implicit in the account, whereas the Greek foregrounds the narrative with  detail, color of eyes, hair, the whole scene. (Eric Auerbach, Odysseus' Scar). It is curious that the Wikipedia entry for Odysseus'  Scar begins with the information that Auerbach is a "German-Jewish philologist." This sets up the criticism  that there may be a political purpose behind opposing the Hebrew and Greek as an analogy between "Judeo-Christian tradition and the Aryan Nazism." This slander should not diminish the brilliance of the work.

There are notable examples of Auerbach's premise of background narrative in Kierkegaard's account of the sacrifice of Isaac,
Fear and Trembling. These spell out a range of issues submerged in the text. A lot of people know this best in the most powerful words Bob Dylan ever wrote:
God said to Abraham, "Kill me a son"...
Well Abe says, "Where do you want this killin' done?"
God says, "Out on Highway 61."
"God tested him and said, take Isaac,  your only son, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah and offer him as a burnt offering on the mountain that I shall show you" (Genesis 22.2).

Kierkegaard sees in the Abraham/Isaac sacrifice grand philosophic principles such as the famous Teleological Suspension of the Ethical, but what then do the  tales about Hagar, Laban and Balaam's donkey
signify? The rabbis declare that "Moses wrote the Torah with very precious ink. Nothing is superfluous, not even the smallest letter,"  that as angels disguise their radiance in  human form when on earth,  the Torah's secrets and mysteries are disguised in the form of stories, which had they remained "in true spiritual form the human intellect could never comprehend it. (20) "  The stories, while true in themselves, serve as garments clothing many deeper mysteries. "  (Yalket Me'am Lo'ez, The Torah Anthology [1720]  I, 17f). Neither are they chronological, the true order of the Torah is therefore concealed from all but God Himself" (20, 21). More emphasis on the literal occurs in that "if there is even the slightest error in the writing of a Torah scroll, it is invalid and cannot be used" (19).

It is easy to see how  classicists chafe at the countless supernaturalisms of  Old Testament texts, Noah saved from the flood,  Abraham  rescued when Nimrod cast him into the furnace,  the Red Sea parted during the exodus from Egypt  (Me'am Lo'ez, 16 ". We revisit this supernaturalism throughout  transhuman science, one almost wrote transhuman sacrifice, implying that  the breaking of their idols would be as appalling to them as Abraham was to Nimrod. This science has as its end the making of man as his own idol, that being his immortality. But we would also  revisit Nimrod too, who while a shadowy figure, is linked to Gilgamesh as ruler of the city of Uruk, an opponent of God, a Hunter in the Face of God, who unbelievably had his remains dug up by the American quartermaster corp, or perhaps it is better to say his remains were stolen from the French-German archeologists because of some heretofore unsuspected information the military would weaponize. How would the classicists, the Form theorists, handle that kind of redaction by the supernaturalist government Elohists who seek to revive, either literally resurrect or use the scrolls among the grave remains toward what to the 19th century would be impossible supernatural ends?

Nimrod a hunter "in opposition to the Lord"; ruled Uruk, city of Gilgamesh:  Wikipedia
Genesis says that the "beginning of his kingdom" (reshit memelketo) was the towns of "
Babel, Uruk, Akkad and Calneh in the land of Shinar" (Mesopotamia) — understood variously to imply that he either founded these cities, ruled over them, or both.
 See Raleigh
History of the World x, on this

 The people before the flood were"called by seven names: Eymim, Refa'im, Gibborim, Zamsumim, Anakim, Ivvim, and Nefilim (Lo'ez 23)

It is pretty easy to exhaust the data on the irreality of the nephilim in a short time, unlike the alleged conspiracy of academic science, corporation and government to master that technology. Whatever antediluvian civilization was, to consider the nephilim  connected to the sons of God there and to the transhuman movement of today would not be mentioned by the transhumans. Especially since, if it is party, it would not be known as such. If not, then what? An urging, a compulsion, a preoccupation binding heart, mind and deed. Perhaps more than the sound of it, these in the ideal world would be opposed by the nephilim.  Taking only the supernatural sense of the interpretation these are the fallen ones and their offspring, the giants and chimeras.

The neutral stance of 
Wikipedia was never more welcome:

"Nephilim" (נְפִילִים) probably derives from the Hebrew root npl (נָפַל), "to fall" which also includes "to cause to fall" and "to kill, to ruin". The
Brown-Driver-Briggs Lexicon gives the meaning as "giants"[1] Robert Baker Girdlestone[2] argued the word comes from the Hiphil causative stem. Adam Clarke took it as passive, "fallen", "apostates". Ronald Hendel states that it is a passive form "ones who have fallen", equivalent grammatically to paqid "one who is appointed" (i.e. overseer), asir, "one who is bound", (i.e. prisoner) etc.[3] 

[4]Genesis 6:4 implies that the Nephilim have inhabited the earth in at least two different time periods—in antediluvian times "and afterward." If the Nephilim were supernatural beings themselves, or at least the progeny of supernatural beings, it is possible that the "giants of Canaan" in Book of Numbers 13:33 were the direct descendants of the antediluvian Nephilim, or were fathered by the same supernatural mutants.

The Book of Enoch says the most, that when these beings were so tempted, they bound themselves  by mutual imprecations not to abandon their plan. The plan? One that all men can appreciate--woman! To know a woman.

Wikepedia: According to these texts, the fallen angels who
begat the Nephilim were cast into Tartarus (Greek Enoch 20:2),[27] a place of 'total darkness'. However, Jubilees also states that God granted ten percent of the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim to remain after the flood, as demons, to try to lead the human race astray (through idolatry, the occult, etc.) until the final Judgment.

However the rabbis with church fathers hold the view that the sons of God are merely the children of Seth who went astray with women of surrounding nations.

Wikipedia: In the Hebrew Bible, there are a number of other words that, like "Nephilim", are sometimes translated as "giants":
  • Emim — the fearful ones
  • Rephaim — the dead ones
  • Anakim — the [long]-necked ones
There is interesting data elsewhere besides Wikipedia, discounting point of view. Consider
http://www.nephilim.nl/:  The whole site is worth a read.

Nephilim is translated "giants" in the Authorized King James Version, but "giants" is in no way a complete description.

Commentators like Lange trace the word "Nephilim" to the root "Niphal" meaning "distinguished ones." This corresponds perfectly with the "men of renown" at the end of Genesis 6:4, nevertheless it is not a generally accepted translation.

Others have sought the root of the word in the Hebrew consonants "npl" as found in Psalm 58:8. Here it means "miscarriage." Accepting this theory, the Nephilim would be those superhuman beings that resulted from miscarriages (late term abortions, ceasarians) Genesis Rabbah (26:7) seems to confirm this translation when it states:

Nephilim denotes that they hurled the world down, themselves fell (naflu) from the world, and filled the world with abortions (nephilim) through their immorality. (1)

Most scholars, however, reject both these interpretations and trace the word "Nephilim" to the Hebrew root "Naphal" meaning "to fall." The Nephilim are the "fallen ones." A direct reference to the fallen angels who sired them. Some writers such as Ben Adam believe the word "Nephilim" refers to the fallen angels themselves and not to their offspring.

Because of some uncertainty in the translation of the Hebrew word, more and more Bible versions are now leaving the original word untranslated. Thus the New International Version renders the passage: "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days..." (Genesis 6:4). This also does justice to the fact that the definite article precedes the word in the original. "The Nephilim were on the earth..." The same definite article is also found in the other biblical passage where the word "Nephilim" occurs, namely, Numbers 13:33. "We saw the Nephilim there..."

Rav Kook noted that the great Nephilim who brought about the world's moral collapse were "anshei shem." Usually translated as 'men of renown,' this phrase literally means 'men of names,' or 'men of words.' They were great leaders, skilled in the arts of persuasion and rhetoric. But their talents were an empty shell, devoid of inner content. On the contrary, they used their superficial eloquence for unscrupulous purposes."

Not only in size but in knowledge, but whether all ancient artifacts of civilization and its sudden wax and wane are caused by Nephilim is not germane here.

"The Nephilim also were giants in knowledge. According to the Book of Enoch, God was incensed against the fallen angels partly because they disclosed certain classified information to humans. The ancient world associated demons with special esoteric knowledge and with superior intelligence. The word "demon" in Greek (daimon) comes from the root meaning "knowledge" or "intelligence." The Scriptures also testify to the fact that demons have access to knowledge and information denied to ordinary mortals." It might follow from this that the Nephilim founded the mystery schools, all theosophy, and every secret knowledge.

Were there any female Nephilim?
None produced in the hybrid line of human and angelic mating. Only sons. The Nephilim sons were like mutant births of the animal kingdom that cannot reproduce. Had that restriction not been in place, then there would have probably been Nephilim and angelic breeding going on and the production of an even more fierce hybrid than already existed.

Tomb of Gilgamesh found,                   /                 reportedly sequestered 
Middle East giants 
DMT, a nephilim nootropic (smart drug)
smithsonian cover up giants

collider: "some kind of invasion by spontaneously swelling and shrinking spherical or wheel-shaped creatures"
"Dr Bertolucci later got in touch to confirm that yes indeed, there would be an "open door", but that even with the power of the LHC at his disposal he would only be able to hold it open "a very tiny lapse of time, 10-26 seconds, [but] during that infinitesimal amount of time we would be able to peer into this open door, either by getting something out of it or sending something into it."

" Tertullian and some of the other Church Fathers considered it of such import that they included it as part of the sacred canon of Scripture. Jude 14 is a direct quote from Enoch 1:9, 5:4, and 27:2. There is also in the Book of Enoch a doctrine that one finds nowhere else. Other authors tell us that each nation has its sar or parton, and that of Israel was Michael, or sometimes God Himself. However, in the Book of Enoch we are told that,"

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