In the middle years of this wearing of the Word War like an image out of Winslow Homer,
a man in a rowboat on a dark sea at the bottom of a rectangle buffeted
by storm clouds supercharged
to concoct the Babylonian Bohemian Grove-Mammon-Ishtar killers, swirled with twisted faces, was suddenly rent down the middle, destroyed by a figure of
light, a man.
Such forces raged over citation to them of a New Testament psalm, that to as many as received him to them gave he the power to become the sons of God. Reciting this as these surrounded -- we cannot now say exactly what they
were --- he was in the world and the world was made by him and the world
knew him not; he came to his own and his own received him not; but to
as many as received him.... Hard to fight against phantoms in the
night, antagonisms of spirits. Staying even, or ebbing
somewhat against these assaults, not happily, right in
the middle of this Psalm-saying --smack in the ebb and flow --
I called the name of Jesus. Just said it out. The whole thing stopped
so instantly and such palpable peace descended that my son's chow, an
overnight guest, came
and lay beside my bed. He ends up there most nights now. Such
peace as this I have not felt in sleep for
years, such stillness and peace. Jesus! Elohim!
Not for the first time do we under estimate the man woman if these
images come in their sight, or wonder how they are so ill prepared to
fight. Satanists, illusionists train their children in ritual and
pain-divided alters from before birth. Christians do no such thing but
await the spirit to turn the hearts of the children toward the Father.
Free will they call, many are called, few are chosen. Antagonists cry
foul every time repayment falls on them, then they claim to be pacifists
who inhabit a controlled universe which they ordain, self-initiated
burglars, but Christian gets no sort of “hel” “p,” is just left to be,
and to be. So these spirits swirl round and round the man which he can’t
see, a Screwtape live, Pilgrims’s Progress or Dante Inferno
taken as fiction when in image and fact, whatever that is, they are
real. Then the man calls on the name of Jesus and the heavens cleanse
and flood with peace. It makes you think more is going on than
meets the eye. AS if the appalling evils and inquisitions and
archipelagos, all asylums, prisons were modeled
upon the fallen spirits of these Neptunean kings. Spiritual wickedness
in high places. We are more important than we think we are, and
Jesus is our victory.
So ask, if he made the world, why doesn't it know him? If he was
in the world, why? If he came to his own, why? There must be something going on. Why? If I make a pot it doesn't know me, but I know it. We are however sentient and can
know and see this signature in the world that is made, in the babies born. By what logic did fifty five
million babies in the United States since 1972
become parasites of the mother to be killed as wished? By what logic were the seas
rid of coral and sharks, the air of birds, the ground of topsoil? Ask what you will. We take it that there is fierce opposition to the human
that causes such destruction so far beyond the empirical.
From destruction itself then we conclude an opposition
beyond the empirical, which explains why the world knew him
not even though he made it. Psalm 149 says let
them sing aloud upon their beds, let the high praises of El be in their
mouth and a two-edged sword in their hand. That is the way to battle with praises and swords, Praise Him, Praise Him All You Little Children, but against what? To still the enemy and the avenger (Psalm 8). He teaches my hands to war, my fingers to do battle. The
heathen mask and embody the antagonist. To execute vengeance,
punishments upon the heathen suggest executions against the inimical
at work also in them. To bind their kings with chains and their nobles with
fetters of iron, to execute upon them the judgment, Messiah
comes in Psalm 2, to dash them in pieces. The grieving and hungry are all around, but this
honor saints have. Such words became license
for genocides by the priests of Mexico and bloodthirsty worship of Mammon and
Babylon. I know that Christian has been utterly defamed by his adversaries and his impostors. I know that Jesus has been diminished and defamed. This demonstrates how antagonistic forces
twist, invert and reverse judgments, turn the very sun itself into their own image, Christ into heathen practices under the guise of untriumphant churches in the
world that knew him not.
The Power to Become the Sons of God suggests something surprising in the world made by the one who was not recognized. Power interests those who love power, but it comes to as many as receive him, to them gave he the power. Not something we earn or inherit by birth, except birth is no birth and birth is birth. Born from above he says later, not born of man. Well who else is there but man? In the beliefs of empiricism there is none but nature. Intuitions and feelings dismissed by empiricism are just that, unempirical, occur in human lives below the surface that manipulate the man.
Religions and revolutions of passion make the man into a god that is no god. What they call the Emergent Divinity. The power to become the sons of God by transference is through belief. As he is the son of God to as many as believe him, they become the sons of God who receive him. This is not however a Christogenesis. That they are given THE POWER to become, suggests a process, a fight. This son finds himself in an empirical system as far as it goes, and then he learns of another world, because as it says, he was in the world and the world was made by him but the world knew him not. This does not refer to man as we now know him in the world, as a god who made himself his own world, who goes unsanctified, and is then taken captive by an alien savior.
If you grant an inimical influence outside the human that threatens earth and its inhabitants you know why the world knew him not. It was made to know him but was prevented. So then he led captivity captive.
*In preparation of this, wearing the Word as a written scroll, symbols, literal portions handwritten were bound into small boxes worn on the head and hand. Bind them about your neck, keep them in your heart. Four sections of Torah in the two boxes of reminder were: Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4-9) – a statement of the unity of the One God Vehayah (Deuteronomy 11:13-21) – the reminder that there
will be retribution for disobedience of the Torah's commandments and
reward for observance of them. Kadesh (Exodus 13:1-10) - the obligation of the Jewish people to always remember their redemption from bondage in Egypt Vehayah (Exodus 13:11-6) - the duty of every Jew to inform his children about these matters
Note: They were given the power but turned it against themselves. The power made them mad, how else reconcile the acts of the American church with its dogmatic faith. Chapter and verse of this is so numerous as to make it commonplace, hence accepted. Power begins to corrupt and then it continues. The body I'm thinking of is a lot like imperial Rome. It has its opposites among those who so lost the power that they went over to the enemy lock, stock and barrel. This is Protestantism from the charismatics to the Episcopalians, but all undercover don't you not see and woe to you if you know, for then you have been a sometime victim. This could be made specific, but then it is in the seven churches that have "tried them which say they are apostles and are not" apostles, bishops, prophets...polygamists, sensualists, controlling, all opposites join in the seven. Have you seen the tables of sweet meats served behind closed doors? Have you considered the lavish lives of the hands?
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