Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Jacob's Trouble: The Family of Hans George Reiff

 There are many Jacob's and many troubles. they sum supernatural and natural. They confront gods and men. Jacob has a blessing and a name change too, and Jacob names a nation and a succession of peoples who conform more or less to the onset when Jacob emerged from the womb ahold of his twin brother's heel. Hartman calls Jacob was a heel, a low class way of saying he was a trickster, but he was a doublerin his ways and so continued. The troubles of Jacob get to the east coast of America, imported to Philadelphia in the Mennonite and Reformed Palatinate refugee colonists recruited by Wm Penn to settle  Pennsylvania, which people began to settle in and around Germantown from the 1680s. Since the dominant English ran Pennsylvania and feared  the arrival of so many foreign tongues they took lists of names and identity when they landed. These are the ship lists. To extrapolate foreigners further, they brought the supernatural with them in many religious enthusiasms that prevailed in that early territory. There was already supernatural in New England, but restrained, and controled. These extreme outbursts of energy and artistic endeavor fueled combat. There is always a sense of the battling shepherds of renaissance epic writers like Spenser's Colin Clout in the whole of the U.S. 

These Palatinates can be generally called Pietists, which has its own definition in literature one can access, but it means more Jacob, living out the Bible, Jacob's Ladder and Jacob's Dream and of course Jacob's Trouble. So these people took the Bible to heart that said "there were shepherds abiding in the fields keeping watch over their flocks by night, and the angel of the Lord appeared with acclamation and announcement  of the birth of the one who would save the world." They took themselves as the sheep, looked over by shepherd angels. Because of this the diversity and intensity of practices in what the New England colony north in Boston called wilderness, was not  taken by them not as fearful but as blessing. A first arrival, John Kelpius found three wildernesses, Barren wilderness, Fruitful wilderness, and the Wilderness of the Elect of God (Letter to Hester Palmer, 86f) of Moses, Elijah, John the Baptist, Jesus the Messiah, David, and Paul—all of the Wilderness—that “God has always prepared his most eminent instruments in the wilderness, ”The valley of Achor."Kelpius this in the "restitution of all things," (Diarium 81), as "the birth of eternities." Childhood and manhood may both consist of the second state, called Ecstasies, Revelations, Inspirations, Illuminations, Inspeakings, Prophesies, Apparitions, Changing of Minds, Transfigurations, Paradisaical Representations by voices, Melodies and Sensations by the perception" by Kelpius

Georg Conrad Beissel emigrated from Germany in early years of the 18 th century, intending to join Johannes Kelpius and his utopian community at their settlement alongside Wissahickon Creek in Philadelphia. Beissel was unaware that Kelpius had died some years prior, but he stayed on for a time, associating with surviving members of the Kelpius community before moving on to establish Ephrata Cloister on the Cocalico Creek in Lancaster County. The two communities –Ephrata Cloister and The Chapter of Perfection – are spiritually interrelated, with Ephrata also the repository for the compositions and hymns written by Kelpius and his followers, along with related archival materials.

 As has been said the modeled it and forged it on the forge and turned it into a garden in their thoughts and lives, rather opposite New England and not due primarily to the climate and the soil as to the predisposition they brought to it in the pietism in the classic translated from the Dutch from 1741 that they read in German like  Die wandlende Seel or The Wandering Soul, and wahren Christentum (1605) True Christianity, often compared with Jakob Boehme as "an experiential sanctification of life, a certain holiness mysticism" (Gameo) handed down in the families from 18th century Pennsylvania to the 21st when this is written. These inspired much adherence and pleasure. Later translated to English they were also read, but not as intently. Original copies held by these Jacobs and the children inscribed with their names, sometimes by known figures in the ancient history of  Mennonite PA should be acknowledged for the principled stands against slavery and violence, the earliest founding of schools orphanage and graveyards, the care of the poor that these first Mennonites of the frontier founded, an ethical sense that stands apart from the domination of rest of the world. They kept to themselves mostly and pursued peace. At the first it was called the new world, which suited the religious frenzy of the supernatural to the heavenly thought in the earthly way. Jacob in conflict with the world and practically everyone in the world from his precarious ways has a literature all to himself that tends to creative extremes in such works as have been put into the minds of new Israel in its founding, so can be explored in Memoir of Angels (2022) https://www.amazon.com/dp/0982342152?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860

 With this small introduction we proceed to the Jacobs of our subject in Pennsylvania, that is to the Jacobs and the Conrads who seem to recapitulate over and over in succeeding generations of repeated pietists and secularists, Bishops and liberitarians. In the end we will see light in their faces.

The Jacob and Conrad here are brothers  in a family of the five children born to Hans George Reiff and Anna Maria Landes. All of these are significant in themselves and bear mention along the way, but the main topic here are these two brothers who have the distinct mention as founders and destroyers of two different religions, Jacob of the Reformed, Conrad of the New Born. 

Saturday, May 18, 2024


The extremes of devastation, isolation, rejection that geniuses of old age counteract with smiles and good cheer could well be learned, but in the temperament of the clandestine anyway, behind the scenes, who did all the good under cover, naturally get blamed for it all, for tempered by continual TIAs and pieces of plaque breaking off to cloud the vision and make blind, while others interrupt the motor memory so that the knees forget to walk, it is all in the days that add up to psychological mishaps too, even more, so that what in one is Parkinson's and in another Alzheimers, is in this case, still functioning in the mind while the emotional life shrives. 
But still alive when others notably died by80. Still alive to bear the slings and arrows. Still alive to hear and read Habakkuk two and three. what kind of life is it that has most in common with the minor prophets? Not to complain, but to feel, I will extol your Name O Lord at all times, your praise shall continually be in my mouth with the mockingbird and the doves and love birds all over the sunflowers and the chow chow that keeps an eye. What they all want I got, still have, entrance to the heavenlies, the embrace, wit, and medicine of Shekinah in my bed and kitchen and yard David would wished, and ten thousand manuscripts, with more need to buy bar codes. This human satellite that  felt the rush of so many fine comet wonders  gone, never to return - where are the new when you have lost the sons you so love, daughter long before, yet still seek their good? The purpose here is to make a catalogue.

Arthur Glasser, Alex Dunlap, Ken Morrison, Henry Burlage, John Cullen, Ricardo Foulkes, Robert Williams,

 for Grandma Ruth and Aunt Libby

Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Lord will suddenly come to His temple.

 The Lord will suddenly come to his Temple. He will overturn the tables. He will speak Words to the rulers. He will be a bad guy Christian to assassinate their gods, themselves. Those who worry about the Nephilim and identifying the anti-man aren't too scared of Him whom "angels nor principalities or powers" cannot not separate from his love. This provocation cometh. Behold.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Midrash on the Haywain History and Language of the World--Chomsky's Angel -Russian, Europe, Ukraine, Palestine in the Trough of the Speckled Sheep

 Midrash on the Haywain History and Language of the World

The biological chip in the pill will come where the angel AI led the nations astray in the great burning war of the Haywain.

Nobody can tell the wheat and tares apart.

As it says, Words, utterance, speech negation and counterfeit are Haywain facts of the spotted and speckled disorder to collectivize all into one (digital) mousetrap to make way for the Strong man of the land to meet up with one from the Sea to bring order to the nations and then the denouement, the action of the untying, will be the wages. Let me go through all your flocks and remove from them every speckled or spotted. They will be my wages.”

    In this carcass where the eagles gather the 2 million Turk army joining with the Russian in the CIA reading of Ezekiel, still don’t make 200 million. To explain the shortfall human beings were made into a virtual ladder to model the Tower of Babel out of the human to break the heaven, so instead of 200 million, a 2 billion earth went to 8 billion in one lifetime, blew it up, exploded like a rocket, as if, in fact, there a certain number were needed for fuel, being data, like the old Saturn rocket fuel needed for lift off. Countdown comes on the backs of billions to “ascend to the heaven.” The words in the languages undone, that sought to make Babel to break the heaven, rebuilt by data from cell phones serve two  needs, 1) triple the population in a century to make enough “bricks" to build, then 2) collectivize them into one digital form. An arrow to the heart of God in DMT angel thought. A little grandiose, the beast that devoured itself. We do not understand this beast feeling or an AI “destined to reproduce repetition impassively, imperceptibly, without organicity the received commands. In a state of anaesthesis, to obey a program without affect or auto-affection, like an indifferent automaton,”  AI is a tool to achieve lift off, to ascend, driven by malevolence to conquer and oppress, which is Derrida's Alibi.

  The cart of this Haywain drawn by infernal beings which drag everyone down is depicted on the right panel of Haywain.The battle against these beings turned insect also appears in Bruegel. Bosch’s "sheep," apart from Jacob’s at the watering trough, where peeled branches show how these Faergrygrum breed words and images of Chomsky's crowd. We could use a glossary to account how the nounlets and verbs  as as  little goatlings multiply in everyday explorations., how they split Chomsky's noun into half parts and decon the order to chaos to make a ticket to board Epstein’s jet where they all flew with the angels. Turned into insects in the triptych they break through the clouds. We invent new words for these Chomsky angels, where earth is the ground from which that ladder, made out of souls, rises so high. Just after the virus hit Euclidean space, and Hamas came to greet Jacob, but malevolently, after he wrestled the angel at the ford the way Esau before had met him, Jacob was subjected to the light that drove his herds from Paddan-aram, headed for Gilead. Nobody can tell the wheat and tares apart.

Contrafitio, intaglio, metastophoio break the veil to “ascend to the heaven.” It's not just about earth, but earth is the way to heaven in this consort, to read it tight, and if not right, for who knows, the nations against Israel, are not nations at all, but kiefs of the cannabis flower's most intoxicating part, kiefdoms of intoxication drunk high on their own dementia.

What if none of the words signify what we think they do. What if it’s all a mousetrap to catch the unwary, literally true in the denotation but not connotatively with meaning, so that Israel is not Israel, the northern power is a creation of the west and intel agencies, the U.S. and NATO, to prevent Russia from alliance with Germany, surrounding it by hegemony, encroaching its borders, to turn Russia into a Palestine, where Ukraine was the last straw that turned Russia's 200,000  army into a behemoth of 1,250,000, using these  most abstruse arguments and deceptions. In order to stop this encroachment and threat of U. S. presidents to take over Russia made its army dwarf all of Europe's, so that, in the mousetrap it would be tempted when finished with Ukraine, with other forces to turn pugnacious in Putin or his successor, so that against all intention Russia became the northern power created by American neocons, and since like the H bomb no weapon ever goes unused, Russia, against the hegemony and encroachment against it, was made into the Northern power, made in the U. S. of A, just like corona virus, 9/11, JFK, Tonkin Bay and every psy op shibboleth that Nikki Haley and the State department prayed for troops would come. So Russia is and is not the power, made in DC, baked in Ukraine, and served up in Israel.

But Israel is not Israel, it’s government is renegade, its tactics abhorrent, murderous, and its premier, no Putin, Biden. Netanyahu both created Hamas as the government authority of Gaza, divided Israel by changing its laws –changing times and seasons!- built an impregnable AI surveillance system overlooking all the west bank that on the anniversary of Yom Kippur '73, October 7, 2023 all went down blind, in concert with, unknowing, the mamas it installed, to allow, yea to foster, yea, to cause a way what NATO-DC wanted to do to the behemoth of the Russian, an attack at dawn in which Israel IDF forces in reply killed as many Israelis as the Hamas invaders. 

So, none of the nouns mean anything without the strings attached. You just don’t know what Isaac thought as his father strapped him to the altar with a knife held over his head, or what Abraham told Sarah about where they were going that day,--all you get to know is the beast will come up from the sea and the powers will sweep down and 200 million will go under the valley of Gog in the background narrative of the bones that come to life vs. the bones that take 7 years to dissolve. Literally none of these actors or states, rather all of them bring about the thing that makes them cease. U.S. made the north power, Rothschild made Israel, Soros make he U. S., DOJ.  CIA, FBI. None of it was made by by the King of Kings, but they are made to serve as puppets and that is how when we come to trough of the speckled and smooth breeders of sheep where we find such a large multitude of one and a paucity of the other.  This is the threshing floor where evil is turned to good.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Today If You Would Hear-The Flood

 Hearing the call by phone of water coming out the door,  is this heard or done? I hear, if suddenly in the instant, or called I am called two Sundays before by phone that had I not been called would have been beyond catastrophic. As is was enough. If not, worse. There had another flood, two years before, early on a Saturday, when I found when ready to do the roof that water was coming out the door, no call then, but some merely  higher intent, that trades a broken leg for a skinned knee,  a birthday present at 70, for this was my birthday. But there was one before that, in '99, notified from a neighbor befriended, an old  woman, Grace, who  called with the first, vii inches deep, but still way better than go another day. That was a Sunday too. In none of these did I think not to act. I heard their voice and obeyed.

If there is a moment of such fatigue it cannot stay awake and body lays down, scene disappears, to surface a new whole, with a plan, a point of view,  which resolution comes as many times a day as is, these moments are not of words or thoughts but water and lung to emerge fresh to give account, that hearing, seeing, listening, following, lead--who cares! --do and be as one cuts endless board to fit, measure, mark, cut, break, trim, place, again, again, until 8 x 4 sheets disappear with not a single thought the whole time,  feeling nothing, saying  nothing but  cut, measure, trim: is this a high or lower function? Ho, the same with paint, clay vessels empty or full, you zen knowers? And words? No words. So hearing is the most important sense in determining truth. As K says, the confessor hears the voice, does not see the face of the confessor. "Gradually, as he listens, he forms a corresponding exterior,"  for hearing the voice "reveals the inwardness which is incommensurable with the outer, so the ear is the instrument whereby that inwardness is grasped" (Preface to Either/Or).

 For all those things hah Mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith Yahweh, but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit and trembles at My word

Isaiah 66:2 KJV

For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the LORD: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, who trembles at my word. Isaiah 66.2

Today, Saturday, cleaning the rooftop a/c coils  there is graffiti on the sign at the front. To get paint and go back, the car, blocked from its usual route, has to take the next turn to find these two chairs at a curb at 8 AM. Free. Please Take Me. But against better counsel I continue to finish the paint, but even then, on return they are still there...so what thought was in any of that? None. These  messages result of one being there to see. One is there by no self intent. Ear and speech lead and follow, led beside still waters, led in paths. The writers, John, Luke see and give such messages, hearing of the blood. Today if you would hear harden not your heart as in the day of provocation. Provocation melts. Hardened hearts against the voice. Hear Yahve, O Israel, Yahve Elohim.

Respecting the voices of elders, lives, to honor graves, bodies, as Abraham, Moses, Joseph  strengthen boundary stones, memory, find core root, so  fathers revive their works, remind what their ears heard, our voices speak, leading and following like ear and speech  what I would not have known or could: of course I follow.  I can no more think of not following than of not hearing. Bowden in the desert, and Barry Lopez speak of it,  no sound but the heart beat, no sound but the sound of blood rushing in the arteries and veins. On thing it makes you know the symphony of life.  All this hearing, seeing, leading, following are also like the unconscious, conscious, what Bowden calls "the place I cannot find inside myself, at least not often or easily, the place that seems to have been lost...the place where unconscious and conscious cease to have meaning, the dog in flight down the wash, the coyote watching, the snake sliding down the slope on errands never described or known...I want to move past the distinctions, past the words about life phases, species, organs, into that miasma, the same one within me, the place inside the cells, the place hidden inside the word mind, the thing flowing through the nostrils of a dog sucking in the literature of a wet spot and reading millions of years of life in a lash' (Inferno, 59). "Once I walked across a pan of blazing sand in the midday sun and heard the blood moving in my veins, my heart thumping in my chest, everything this tom-tom beat, this gurgle inside my skin and then, at that instant, I caught the distant thunder of this hearing. Also there was time when I heard rocks hum. And there was still one more time, a deeper moment, an instant on the rim of absolute terror, when I heard nothing at all, not the sigh of a breeze, not the chirp of a bird, not the churning of the sun's fires, not the scream of an insect..." (Inferno, 53).

If Bowden is a little dramatic, desperate, driven, oh well, Ezekiel had his eye placed against a chink in the wall. He saw elders bowing to snakes. This hearing is seeing, this discovery is prepared. Who gets to see and why? I have no idea. To be put in the moment, discover, is always unpleasant, the ugly, the unveiled. When have I walked in on praising, hard working artists? Always discovering sins, Charles Bowden is the only saint I can say. Bowden because he is tortured and his sins are open honest things, products of his scrutiny and circumcised heart, who hears and sees  "the line blurred and there was nothing but now, this long, persistent now...the present, a continuous and sensuous present, a silken thing like water...the days and nights becoming a pool and I dove into that pool and have never lost the sense of the waters closing over me and offering silence and a world where everything is within reach at every moment even though the idea of moments has become dubious to me" (Inferno, 95)...eyes floating for a glimpse...to seethembefore theyseeme but more importantly toseethembeforeIthinkIsee them, to be aware of their presence without being conscious of looking...floating, seeing and smelling and scraping andneverthinking, not one thought...yes, this will happen when it happens, when I get there without planning the journey, when I arrive without plotting my destination (Inferno, 83-4 compression added).

This approach is experimental. I took one book out three times before I understood its importance for a dissertation and found the part that mattered. In Vanuccie Biringuaccio's, Pyrotechnia, the roots of mines are compared with the roots of trees and the golden age is a material form of them. This document is online in a PDF, but the translation I used was Richard Eden's of 1540. This serendipity applied to hundreds of instances informs these searches supplied by continual reference to the first moment of my being and every after formed by Yeshua my Lord.